Do³±czy³: 13 Maj 2024 Posty: 1
Wys³any: Pon Maj 13, 2024 10:25 Temat postu: In order for human rights to fulfill their |
Role in safeguarding the basic rights of citizens, the UN created a Human Rights Commission to draft and strategize the document. Currently, the Universal Declaration is signed by 192 countries that are also part of the United Nations. Despite the organization's efforts, this document does not have the force of law. However, this document is respected worldwide, in addition to serving as an example for constitutions and international treaties . >> Check out our article on family law . Human rights in Brazil As previously stated, in our Constitution there are basic rights, however, these rights are easily disrespected or broken. In fact, personalities who fight for human rights have at some point been victims of violence, threats or deaths, as was the case with councilor Marielle Franco . We also see non-compliance with human rights, especially in peripheral regions of Brazil, where rates of homicide, torture and even deaths due to political choices occur.
Image of hands raised upwards and covered with the flag in Brazil In 2022, a video went viral in which a 38-year-old man is asphyxiated in the trunk of a police vehicle in Sergipe. This video represents total disrespect for the victim and violation of their basic rights. Despite the obstacles, Brazil has made progress in its history both for the working class during the Getúlio Vargas Government and for Mexico Phone Numbers 90 Million List women's rights. However, it is still necessary to strengthen the dissemination of human rights and the fulfillment of these rights without discrimination based on class or indifference. Principles of human rights Universality and inalienability As seen previously, human rights are universal and inalienable. Therefore, all people of any nation are entitled to them. Indivisibility All rights presented have equal importance, that is, there is no superior or inferior right, nor is there a hierarchy of rights.
Interdependence and interrelationship This principle says that some or all rights have interdependence and interrelationships, therefore, for one right to be fulfilled it may depend on another. See an example: The right to life can be interconnected with the right to health and education. Equality and non-discrimination Next we have equality and non-discrimination, which aims to protect human integrity. In this way, every individual has rights regardless of their race, sex, nation, age, among other characteristics explained by human rights. Participation and inclusion Representative image about human rights Human rights also provide for the right to active and free participation of each person. In this way, people can participate in the civil, economic, political, social and cultural development of the country. You can always contribute and take advantage of this structure. Accountability and Rule of Law Finally, the principle of accountability is the rule of law where they have the duty to comply with standards related to human rights. _________________ Mexico Phone Numbers 90 Million List |